Everglades Farmworkers Village (Florida City, FL)

This project which covered Phase 1, Site 2 of the Farmworkers Village complex, consists of a 54-acre site on which 246 residential units were constructed. In addition, there is an administrative complex, consisting of maintenance buildings, administrative buildings, and a community building. The residential units were designed and built to assist the agricultural farm workers access to affordable housing. The development comprised 46 four-bedroom single-family homes, 83 three-bedroom duplex units, and 15 two-bedroom duplex units. Included in the project was construction of the total infrastructure, including: land development, water & sewer, drainage, street and road pavement, etc. 

Florida City, FL
Owner: Everglades Community Association, Inc.
Amount: $18,062,500
Delivery Method: Bid Build
Completion Date: 1-Mar-97